Homemade Bubbles

1/2 cup Dawn dish soap

4 1/2 cups water

4 Tablespoons sugar or corn syrup

*the longer you let the mixture set, the larger the bubbles are!

Play "Number Dash"

You will need sidewalk chalk and a sidewalk or large paved area.  Help your child write large numbers in various spots on the sidewalk or paved area.  Tell your child (and friends) that you will call out a number.  When they hear it, they'll need to dash to that number.  This game is simple but it's a great way to help your child learn his/her numbers in a fun, active way.  You can vary the game by making shapes, colors or letters to dash too.  Your child will get practice following directions and identifying concepts.


Rhyming Fun

Say go now touch your toe

Say neat now touch your feet

Say real now touch your heel

Say laugh now touch your calf

Say bee now touch your knee

Say high now touch your thigh

Say paste now touch your waist

Say yummy now touch your tummy

Say best now touch your chest

Say colder now touch your shoulder

Say twist now touch your wrist

Say sand now touch your hand

Say crumb now touch your thumb

Say check now touch your neck

Say pin now touch your chin

Say bear now touch your hair


Ice Tray Counting Game

Give your child an ice cube tray and small items that will fit into the trays (buttons, pom-poms, pennies etc)  Show your child how to roll a dice.  Explain to your child that he should place the correct number of counter into the ice tray that corresponds with the dots on the dice.  The children will have a lot of fun with this activity and they will be working on their math skills.  To add a twist to the activity, you could let your child use a tweezer to pick up and drop the item into the tray.  (Good Fine Motor)